Just something to think about before you get your fingers gloved up.

Maybe those UV are also extreme tattoos and also bizarre and weird tattoos.

Celebs Love Their Tattoos! Rihanna's stars

Cute small symbol tattoos on fingers.

Who knows, maybe he didn't have enough fingers for all that. Or brains.

Feb 28 2008Eyeball Tattoos Give Me The Heebie Jeebies

tattoos on their index fingers).

It's hard to see in the picture, but his eyebrows are replaced with tattoos

Understanding Tattoo by I Am Paul's Typing Fingers

Does Rihanna believe that tattooing two guns on her body is some outward

Tattoo Hand Fingers Finger Tattoos

Celebrity Tattoos on Fingers THE

"Fingerstache is a set of mustache-shaped temporary tattoos for your fingers

I Am Paul's Typing Fingers on Flickr. Tattoo Art Fest (130/290) - 04-06Jul08

bow finger tattoos are just classy … pissandglamour:(via

spot being tattooed. It would only rub if you got between the fingers

Bako created this tattoo he calls The Digit. One giant finger replaces

Fat Tobes Tattoo on Myspace

Finger tattoos. go back

pictures of tattoos on fingers