Tuesday, February 1, 2011
cool guy tattoos
Tattoo Guy or Mszunefan
Lil Wayne Tattoo-Very Hard Tattoo Design
cool body tattoo: Family Guy Tattoos
Skull Tattoo. this is the painting for the guy (mentioned earlier) that got
tattoos for guys, forearm tattoo, cool
Done freehand on a cool guy from Sweden.Six hours and he sat like a champ
I saved the best – meaning the worst – for last: some guy tattooed the text
But when you get a swastika tattooed in the middle of your forehead,
Re: what do you guys think of my new tattoo?
This guy must be a real fan of Super Mario. He actually had the images of
Guy gets a Zune tattoo !!! - MobileBurn Forums
Both of these guys tattoos were done by Jay at Resurrection Tattoo & Body
I mean, sure, my uncle Richard was a cool guy, but I don't know why anyone
Bad tattoo
Sic Monkey Tattoo - Cool Tattoo Pictures
Afghanistan.. really cool guy and let me just do my thing.. very fun.
They all have imagery that may be associated with the tough guy tattoos that
Be cool like this guy and slip that sick ink right on.
With each passing year, innovative and cool tattoo designs are being
I had the pleasure of meeting JK5 after searching the NYC tattoo world for